Art Classes Live Stream

Latest Schedule Below

With Covid-19 the Irish School of Landscape Painting has changed from in-person lessons to now teaching via the Livestream.  This has become and affective tool.  Students can watch in detail how our Tutor demonstrates and later look at the lesson frame by frame, fast forward and back.  However, the Adrenalin rush from painting along the Livestream seems to be attractive as we have many students doing just that.

You can order Livestreams in advance of the schedule or just the next Livestream, or if you miss it, you can catchup by going to our Course Library.  Livestream participants can ask live questions and be answered at the next available moment.  They can submit their paintings for critique and get the at the moment advice.

The Live Painting is every Tuesday at 11:30 am (GMT) and buying the Live-Stream gives you Live access, not the recoding which will be available in the Courses Library within 24 hours after the Livestream is over.  You can of course, buy a subscription which will give you full access to all Courses Library and all the up-and-coming exciting Live Streams listed below.

The best solution is to order a subscription below and get all of the livestreams for the period chosen and the complementary use of the complete Course Library, past and future.  This allows you access beyond the Livestream, should you be unavailable.  It also allows you to wind back to the beginning, stop, take a coffee break, and repeat the instructions if you missed it the first time.  If you are serious about painting and improving your skills, this is what you will want.

Individual Classes


1 Month

50 Monthly
50 / 1 month
  • 7 day free trial
  • Access to entire library
  • all livestreams
  • Weekly Critique of your work.
    Live on stream or via email
  • Cancel any Time
  • 24/7 support
7 Day trial

3 Month

45 Monthly
€135 / 3 months
  • Access to entire library
  • all livestreams
  • Weekly Critique of your work.
    Live on stream or via email
  • Cancel any Time
  • 24/7 support

6 Month

40 Monthly
€240 / 6 months
  • Access to entire library
  • all livestreams
  • Weekly Critique of your work.
    Live on stream or via email
  • Cancel any Time
  • 24/7 support
Best Value

Special Offer: 7 day free trial on our monthly subscription include access to over 100 Recordings (for new customers only) Dismiss