our mission

For 62 years the Irish School of Landscape Painting has been passed from Generation to Generation and will hopefully continue in the future with the Grandchildren of Kenneth Webb.  We have taught over 8000 classes and thousands of students while we carry our guiding principle, our mission.

Holding knowledge as a gemstone of secret learning, is the formula for fading a jewel into to a lump of coal.  Sharing that knowledge is the formula for making space for new fresher ideas and continual growth.

Cezanne Still Life painted on the Cezanne Art Class Live-stream


Classes Taught;


great techers




Years of experience

About Us

The Irish School of Landscape Painting, founded in 1957 by Kenneth Webb and Joan Webb, specialises in bringing each student to recognise and understand their own innate talent through these painting classes.   
Currently we have closed all our centres due to the Covid-19 crisis.  However, fear not, as we are now hosting Art Classes Live-streaming every Tuesday morning from 11:30am – 1:30pm.
The Irish School of Landscape Painting offers tuition, with demonstrations and lessons in oil painting, acrylic painting, watercolours, gouache, pastels and in drawing.  All basic techniques, traditional methods, and even modern explorations are covered.  
Invaluable lessons on composition/design are explained in easy to follow steps. Over the years, we have perfected a method and style that suits the wide range of artists that attend our courses and have made what seems complex an easy step by step process students can follow, whether their subject be indoor or outdoor, whether their style is modern or traditional, abstract or academic.  The essential elements of sound foundations, good tonal control, the secrets of colour and the excitement of texture, all covered in our classes suitable for the absolute beginner to the most professional of artists.
The Irish School of Landscape Painting has three centres, each with fully equipped studios in Ballsbridge, Dublin, Ashford, Co. Wicklow and near Clifden in Connemara.  All have beautiful, varied and convenient outdoor painting sites each suiting different weather conditions.  Holiday classes in these centres are a treat as little time is wasted either travelling to a site or sheltering from poor weather. 

I dream my painting
and paint my dreams”

Vincent Van Gogh

The River Vartry at RiverRun Studios, location of our Outdoor Painting Livestream

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